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alonzo harris

Posted 2:08 pm, 08/10/2014

Top Soil

Posted 1:58 pm, 08/10/2014

alonzo harris (view profile)

Posted 1:52 pm, 08/10/2014

Actually you are wrong. Scientific studies have shown that the latest strain of the ebola virus is indeed airborne.
None the less, when you see all the taped up moon suits and plastic tents they've used for these patients, and you see some dude strolling around about 3 feet from the infected person...only a moron would not ask WTF!

Also, the healthcare workers using all the latest protocols are dying left and right.

Something doesn't add up.


Feel Burger

Posted 1:57 pm, 08/10/2014

Feel Burger says prove it.

alonzo harris

Posted 1:52 pm, 08/10/2014

Actually you are wrong. Scientific studies have shown that the latest strain of the ebola virus is indeed airborne.

None the less, when you see all the taped up moon suits and plastic tents they've used for these patients, and you see some dude strolling around about 3 feet from the infected person...only a moron would not ask WTF!

Also, the healthcare workers using all the latest protocols are dying left and right.

Something doesn't add up.

Feel Burger

Posted 1:50 pm, 08/10/2014

Feel Burger was surprised the life expectancy is as good as Russia's.

Top Soil

Posted 1:49 pm, 08/10/2014

considering they just had a civil war....yes

Feel Burger

Posted 1:47 pm, 08/10/2014

Good as in compared to what? Feel Burger knows there devastating civil war didn't end until 2003. In 2006 there were 51 doctors for over 3.8 million people. Feel Burger has visited third world countries. Liberia, healthcare, and good should not be used in the same book. Much less the same system.

I mean WRMC isn't described as good by some.


Posted 1:45 pm, 08/10/2014

Alonzo, before your start fear mongering you should learn how Ebola is spread. No way way that man in any danger.

Top Soil

Posted 1:40 pm, 08/10/2014

look who helped the spread of ebola, none other than SP

Top Soil

Posted 1:39 pm, 08/10/2014

Feel Burger (view profile)

Posted 1:34 pm, 08/10/2014

Feel Burger laughed out loud when he said the healthcare centers in Liberia have collapsed. Was it ever standing?

there is actually a *good* system over there considering

alonzo harris

Posted 1:38 pm, 08/10/2014

Clearly, "officials" who promise they can control the epidemic in this country; are just spouting the talking points to try and keep folks from panic.

Heck, in this country we can't even control outbreaks of MSRA and other infections in hospitals.

Take a look at this video! WTF!

Feel Burger

Posted 1:34 pm, 08/10/2014

Feel Burger laughed out loud when he said the healthcare centers in Liberia have collapsed. Was it ever standing?

alonzo harris

Posted 1:31 pm, 08/10/2014

alonzo harris

Posted 1:28 pm, 08/10/2014

This video makes the ebola epidemic sound like the movie world war z!

Coming soon to an immigrant shelter near you!


Hot Mess

Posted 7:18 pm, 08/06/2014

Oblada that article was written by a lawyer like they know anything about Ebola.


Posted 5:37 pm, 08/06/2014


Posted 3:53 pm, 08/06/2014

The best article on Ebola I have read.


alonzo harris

Posted 7:21 am, 08/06/2014

First Obama had the DREAM act...now, he has the BLEED act!

HURT: Do you favor the BLEED Act, or are you a racist?

The world is down on America these days. Allies like Israel are sick and tired of our whirlybird foreign policies. There are even haters inside America who have lost the faith.

America's best days are behind her, they say. The American dream has become a living nightmare. She is no longer a force for good in this world of evil. The world burns as Uncle Sam runs away and hides under the bed in his hospice facility.

But there is a way to bring back that shining city on a hill. Reawaken the American dream. Rejuvenate that American spirit of generosity and ingenuity and optimism. Reaffirm our Judeo-Christian faith in freedom.

America must go to Africa and round up every single person afflicted with the Ebola virus and bring them all here to America.

I call on Congress to write and immediately pass the Begin Loving Ebola Emigres, Dude! Act. And I call on President Obama to sign the BLEED Act, though that is merely a formality he doesn't really have to do if he doesn't feel like it. He can just write the law himself and pass it without Congress.

The BLEED Act would bring thousands of Ebola victims to America, where they would have access to the world's most cutting-edge treatment at hospitals across the country. Atlanta, New York, Minneapolis.

Already, we have brought two American victims to Atlanta for treatment. Why should we value the lives of these two Americans over the lives of all the other Ebola patients in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea?

Americans, are you racist? Of course not!

American exceptionalism means America is made of special constitutional ingredients that make it the greatest country on earth, a beacon of hope and freedom to the world. It does not mean that Americans who get sick abroad should get special treatment.

Once here in the bosom of liberty, BLEEDers will become naturalized citizens. They will be allowed to take the oath of citizenship from the comfort of their hospital beds.

Of course, BLEEDers will enjoy the full benefits of Obamacare as well as a new program devised to deal with the growing crisis, Ebolacare. President Obama just needs to pencil that into the law he has already rewritten 17 times.

BLEEDers will be registered to vote. Their voices will be heard! Their demands will be met! And even before they are cleared as healthy, BLEEDers will be encouraged to stage protest marches on Washington and at state capitols all across America!

Now, I realize there might be some of you out there who think this is not a good idea. Most of you are probably racist, so just shut up! But if you happen to be a person who really is not racist but still thinks this is somehow a "bad" or "risky" idea, then you just need to calm down.


Posted 6:31 am, 08/06/2014

All the antibiotics in the world will only give Ebola patients thrush to add to their problems - it's a viral infection


Posted 9:58 pm, 08/05/2014


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