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Cale Yarborough

Posted 7:03 pm, 08/11/2014

You have verified beyond reasonable doubt that people can buy things online. Congratulations.

alonzo harris

Posted 6:57 pm, 08/11/2014

Top Soil

Posted 6:27 am, 08/11/2014


what a reliable source!(sarcasm), lol, this video is from a crazy conspiracy guy, he goes on to talk about UFOs, what really happened to Malaysian air MH17 and MH370,

alonzo harris

Posted 6:20 am, 08/11/2014

Top Soil

Posted 6:58 pm, 08/10/2014

not politics, just the facts. remember reality has a libral bias

alonzo harris

Posted 6:50 pm, 08/10/2014

Libs turn EVERYTHING into a justification for bigger government (lol). Never let a good crisis go to waste!

Top Soil

Posted 6:46 pm, 08/10/2014

thats what happens when you constantly make budget cuts without knowing what you're cutting.

alonzo harris

Posted 6:45 pm, 08/10/2014

...coming to a city near you!

Some of the colleagues of one of the American aid workers stricken with the deadly Ebola virus while working in west Africa will be returning to the USA.

SIM USA, a Charlotte-based missionary group, announced on Sunday that some of its missionary staff based in Liberia are headed back to North Carolina. The returning workers are colleagues of Nancy Writebol, one of two American missionaries stricken with the virus while working in Liberia who are now being treated at Emory University in Atlanta.

The returning SIM USA staff worked with or around patients infected with Ebola, and North Carolina and Mecklenburg County officials are requiring a period of quarantine for the returning staff.

alonzo harris

Posted 6:39 pm, 08/10/2014

CDC bioterror labs cited for security flaws in audits

Laboratories at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been repeatedly cited in private government audits for failing to properly secure potential bioterror agents such as anthrax and plague, and not training employees who work with them, according to "restricted" government watchdog reports obtained by USA TODAY.


Posted 6:30 pm, 08/10/2014

Cale Yarborough

Posted 6:19 pm, 08/10/2014

Note to self:

Take cursory glance at ALL salad bar contents to verify if is not covered with Ebola infected glop, when dining in Texas.

Top Soil

Posted 6:09 pm, 08/10/2014

alonzo harris (view profile)

Posted 5:13 pm, 08/10/2014

In addition to the inherent danger of the disease; what about using it to deliberately attack the USA?
News flash, there are suicide terrorists who openly threaten this country. How hard would it be for some of them to travel to west aftica and scoop up a bunch of infected glop oozing from dead ebola victims who are now lying dead in the streets...grab a quick flight to somewhere and end up crossing Obama's open border, then decide to infect every salad bar in Texas?

Heck of a lot cheaper than a dirty bomb.

You drones laugh, but I lived in the town where exactly this took place.


Tin Foil much?

Top Soil

Posted 6:07 pm, 08/10/2014

Ebola is not typically transmitted by air in human outbreaks, but rather that there may be something unique about pig physiology that allows them to generate more infectious aerosols as a general rule�so though aerosols aren't a transmission route between primates (including humans, as well as non-human primates used experimentally), pigs may be a bigger threat as far as aerosols. Thus, this may be important for transmission of swine influenza and other viruses as well as Ebola.

So unless you're sitting next to an Ebola-infected pig, seriously, airborne transmission of Ebola viruses isn't a big concern.

also you didn't even read your own link

".....and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated...."


Posted 5:24 pm, 08/10/2014

Wow..you lived in the dales?
I lived in umatilla for a couple years

alonzo harris

Posted 5:13 pm, 08/10/2014

In addition to the inherent danger of the disease; what about using it to deliberately attack the USA?

News flash, there are suicide terrorists who openly threaten this country. How hard would it be for some of them to travel to west aftica and scoop up a bunch of infected glop oozing from dead ebola victims who are now lying dead in the streets...grab a quick flight to somewhere and end up crossing Obama's open border, then decide to infect every salad bar in Texas?

Heck of a lot cheaper than a dirty bomb.

You drones laugh, but I lived in the town where exactly this took place.


alonzo harris

Posted 4:44 pm, 08/10/2014

OK Just got back from an emergency call.

What I'm saying is, a reasonable person would question what some talking head is spouting relative to the transmissibility of ebola. Primarily to "calm down" the public.

Esp. in light of:

* The fact that trained doctors and health workers are dropping dead from the disease. It's not well understood.

* The ability of the virus to mutate. Changing its virulent properties.

* The track record of gov orgs, to knowingly lie; if it suits their needs. (I.e., "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!")

Now, to the airborne nature of ebola. Granted, most of this will sail right over the gowilkes drones heads...but maybe someone will wake up.


Ebola viruses (EBOV) cause often fatal hemorrhagic fever in several species of simian primates including human. Here we show ZEBOV transmission from pigs to cynomolgus macaques without direct contact. This is the first report of experimental interspecies virus transmission, with the macaques also used as a human surrogate. Our finding may influence prevention and control measures during EBOV outbreaks.


In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated (1, 6, 13). The importance of this route of transmission is not clear.

Top Soil

Posted 3:39 pm, 08/10/2014


Posted 3:19 pm, 08/10/2014

    Who are you going to believe the CDC or some fool lawyer on Faux News ?

Top Soil

Posted 2:51 pm, 08/10/2014

you now had enough time to watch your movie twice, what time do i jump to to see the doctor?

Top Soil

Posted 2:27 pm, 08/10/2014

don't have the 10 minutes 34 seconds to watch the whole video, what part do i jump to to see the doctor talk about Ebola changed to being spread by the air by humans.

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