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Posted 9:35 pm, 08/30/2014

empowers I don't think there is anything we can do it resist ebola.

alonzo harris

Posted 4:37 pm, 08/29/2014

Top Soil

Posted 11:00 pm, 08/28/2014

alonzo harris

Posted 10:33 pm, 08/28/2014

UN: Ebola Cases Could Eventually Reach 20,000

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa eventually could exceed 20,000 cases, more than six times as many as doctors know about now, the World Health Organization said Thursday.

A new plan to stop Ebola by the U.N. health agency also assumes that in many hard-hit areas, the actual number of cases may be two to four times higher than is currently reported.

The agency published new figures saying that 1,552 people have died from the killer virus from among the 3,069 cases reported so far in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Nigeria. At least 40 percent of the cases have been in just the last three weeks, the U.N. health agency said, adding that "the outbreak continues to accelerate."


Posted 10:12 pm, 08/17/2014

When is the alarm and what is going to be done? Stupid dumb people will more than likely will die themself or infect some others.

alonzo harris

Posted 9:36 pm, 08/17/2014


Posted 9:33 pm, 08/17/2014

I remember my children and I getting scabies via a woman who knew she had it, yet insisted on one of my children sitting on her lap. She apparently did not care.

With all these people coming over from other countries with who-knows-what we need to do anything we can to make our immune systems stronger because of the potential for viruses. There are exercises and certain foods that will make your immune system stronger,

alonzo harris

Posted 8:57 pm, 08/17/2014

This ain't good...

Ebola clinic looted by Liberian slum residents
Liberian officials fear Ebola could soon spread through the capital's largest slum after residents raided a quarantine centre for suspected patients and took items including bloody sheets and mattresses.

The violence in the West Point slum occurred late Saturday and was led by residents angry that patients were brought to the holding centre from other parts of Monrovia, Tolbert Nyenswah, assistant health minister, said Sunday.

Up to 30 patients were staying at the centre and many of them fled at the time of the raid, said Nyenswah. Once they are located they will be transferred to the Ebola centre at Monrovia's largest hospital, he said.

West Point residents went on a "looting spree," stealing items from the clinic that were likely infected, said a senior police official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the press. The residents took medical equipment and mattresses and sheets that had bloodstains, he said.

average racist poster

Posted 4:00 pm, 08/16/2014

if it wasn't for all the Mexicans, america would be germ free.


Posted 8:50 am, 08/16/2014

CDC = Government = Lies.

alonzo harris

Posted 7:06 am, 08/16/2014

This NY Times article shows that many experts are saying that ebola is airborne; and that the minimal standards recommended by CDC, will end up killing doctors and nurses.


The C.D.C. says that health care workers treating Ebola patients need only wear gloves, a fluid-resistant gown, eye protection and a face mask to prevent becoming infected with the virus. That is a far cry from the head-to-toe "moon suits" doctors, nurses and aides have been seeing on television reports about the outbreak.
Some hospital officials are skeptical of the new advice. "It's not going to be enough for my health care workers to feel comfortable going into an isolation room," said Peggy Thompson, the director of infection prevention at Tampa General Hospital.
Dr. Michael V. Callahan, an infectious disease specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital who has worked in Africa during Ebola outbreaks, does not think it is wrong for hospitals to opt for more protective equipment.

The minimal precautions recommended by the C.D.C. "led to the infection of my nurses and physician co-workers who came in contact with body fluids," Dr. Callahan said. "I understand the desire to maintain absolute protection in U.S. hospitals."

Dr. Justin Fairless, an emergency physician in Tulsa, Okla., said that health care workers in Africa "are wearing the highest level of protection, but the C.D.C. recommendation lets us go down to the lowest level of protection."

Dr. Fairless is considering buying his own air-purifying respirator to pair with a head-to-toe coverall. "I am not comfortable going to see an Ebola patient wearing a paper mask that doesn't cover my entire face," he said.

He is hardly alone. In recent weeks, several hospital workers have expressed concerns, asking why head coverage is not necessary and suggesting their emergency department doctors would get hard-to-tear hooded suits.

alonzo harris

Posted 6:50 am, 08/16/2014


Posted 9:42 pm, 08/15/2014



alonzo harris

Posted 9:33 pm, 08/15/2014

August 15, 2014
Airborn Transmission of Ebola?

Many people have been mis-informed regarding human to human transmission of Ebola. The Canadian Health Dept. States that airborne transmission of Ebola is strongly suspected and the CDC admits that Ebola can be transmitted in situations where there is no physical contact between people, I.e.: via airborne inhalation into the lungs or into the eyes where individuals are separated by 3 feet. That explains why 81 doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers have died in West Africa to date. These courageous health care providers use careful CDC level barrier precautions such as gowns, gloves and head cover, but it appears they have inadequate respiratory and eye protection.

Currently the CDC advises health care workers to use goggles and simple face masks for respiratory and eye protection, and a fitted N-95 mask during aerosol-generating medical procedures. Since so many doctors and nurses are dying in West Africa, it is clear that this level of protection is inadequate. Full face respirators with P-100 replacement filters would provide greater airway and eye protection, and I believe this would save the lives of many doctors, nurses and others who come into close contact with, or proximity to, Ebola victims.

Since CDC level respiratory/eye precautions for Ebola are inadequate for healthcare workers in West Africa, I assume they will also be inadequate in the United States.

Ronald R. Cherry, MD

alonzo harris

Posted 9:31 pm, 08/15/2014

Click your heels together 3 times, and repeat: "ebola is NOT airborne"...

Russia designs unique face masks to ward off Ebola 17:38 August 15, 2014 Interfax

Russia designs unique face masks to ward off Ebola 17:38 August 15, 2014 Interfax Rostec's Aviation Equipment Holding is set to deliver unique face masks to Africa for virus prevention. "The Textile Material Research Institute of Aviation Equipment Holding has developed and tested the protective masks. The masks have been presented to the Russian Defense Ministry's Main Military Medical Department for being tested in the Ebola-stricken areas of Africa," Aviation Equipment Holding General Director Maxim Kuzyuk said. He was quoted by the holding press service in a report seen by Interfax-AVN on Friday. The innovative material the masks are using possesses bactericide and bacteriostatic effects which last for more than 360 hours, 180 times longer than in any of the existent counterparts. The microbe filtration ratio is 100%. Masks are made of a unique chemosorptive textile material, which wards off microorganisms on its surface and suppresses their growth and reproduction. The masks can protect local residents from catching the Ebola fever.

alonzo harris

Posted 9:01 pm, 08/15/2014

More inexplicable actions? I thought they said ebola was difficult to catch?

US Basketball: No Africa trip after Ebola outbreak

August 15, 2014

Associated Press
The U.S. national team has canceled a trip to Senegal after the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.


Posted 7:41 pm, 08/14/2014


Top Soil

Posted 7:40 pm, 08/14/2014

metal (view profile)

Posted 9:51 pm, 08/13/2014

ive been screaming that for years man! we didnt have so much sickness here in america before the illegal immigrant invasion. i still say we arm the entire border with landmines. bet the tide slows down then by god!

you are retarded.

alonzo harris

Posted 7:35 pm, 08/14/2014

Well, this is interesting...

Once again, official actions do not align with the public statements designed to downplay the severity of the epidemic, and quell panic!

Posted: Thursday, 14 August 2014 7:04PM

Family of US Embassy Employees in Sierra Leone Relocated


Posted 9:51 pm, 08/13/2014

ive been screaming that for years man! we didnt have so much sickness here in america before the illegal immigrant invasion. i still say we arm the entire border with landmines. bet the tide slows down then by god!


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